Featured Gem GARNET

Garnets are a group of minerals and they offer all sorts of colors. Garnets with pyrope will make a bright red, spessartine makes orange, andradite and grossular will give them a deep green.

You probably associate whatever your favorite color of garnet with that particular color. At first you might think a different color of garnet is a different gemstone. But garnets come in a great variety of colors.

You might think of garnets as only red, but they are found in a great variety of colors. Of the choices of colors, you can find garnets in greens, purples, reds, oranges, and pinkish colors. Red is only more common than the other colors of garnets. The rarest is the tsavorite, the green garnet.
Garnet Earring
Garnet Ring
Garnet Bracelet
tsavo park

Tsavorite garnets were found by Campbell Bridges near Tsavo National Park in Kenya.


Demantoid garnets were used by the imperial Russian jeweler for intricate designs in jewelry.

3800 BC

A stylish red garnet bead necklace found in a grave in Egypt is more than 5,000 years old.

All of these factors are taken into consideration to determine a garnet's value.
Color Diamond

Garnet gemstones are in many different colors from deep reds to the rare greens.

Clarity Diamond

Often, the red garnets do not have inclusions. The other colors usually do have visible inclusions.

Cut Diamond

It is normal to see garnets cut into the standard shapes to be place in jewelry settings.

carat weight
Carat Weight Diamond

Some garnets might be rare in the larger sizes, but most can be found in a variety of weights.